Artificial academy 2 guide on highest virtue
Artificial academy 2 guide on highest virtue

artificial academy 2 guide on highest virtue

The ‘Preamble’ sub-section would normally consist of TWO parts. Please check with the requirements specified by your respective institution. Here, Chapter 3 for qualitative research has been divided into EIGHT sub-sections. Note that there are several ways of writing Chapter 3 and the following is a suggestion on the sub-sections to include. In short, Chapter 1 describes why the research question is being asked and Chapter 3 describes how the research question is answered. You should write the methodology chapter like a ‘recipe’ which can be followed closely by individuals who read what you have written.

artificial academy 2 guide on highest virtue

You will describe the methods and procedures (or techniques) used in the your study in sufficient detail that will enable future researchers to replicate or adapt your methodology in their respective studies. The aim of the ‘Methodology’ chapter is to tell the reader how you collected the data to answer the research questions in Chapter 1 – Introduction. Some components will be similar to the methodology chapter for Quantitative research while there are components that are different. Here we will focus on how to write Chapter 3 for a Qualitative piece of research. In Chapter 3 of your Thesis, you discuss details about the methodology you employed in collecting data for your study.

Artificial academy 2 guide on highest virtue